Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology

Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology



The presence of an endomembrane system is one of the characteristic features of all eukaryotic cells. Its compartments mediate intracellular transport, which typically occurs in membrane vesicles. The endomembrane system is required to compartmentalize biochemical reactions in cells, such as the biosynthesis and maturation of protein in the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus or their degradation in the vacuole, to deliver proteins to their target site of action, e.g. the plasma membrane, and to secrete protein and non-protein components of the cell wall. A number of protein classes are required for the endomembrane system activity, playing roles e.g. in the formation, targeting and fusion of vesicles or in defining the unique characteristics of individual compartments.

Our research focuses on selected compartments, transport pathways, and protein classes of the plant cell’s endomembrane system. We consider the molecular and cellular mechanisms of transport as well as the roles of the studied proteins and processes in plant body development. One of our main areas of study is the ARF small GTPase machinery, which plays crucial roles at the Golgi apparatus, trans-Golgi Network, and the plasma membrane. In the plant kingdom, beside essential cellular roles, selected ARF machinery components, such as the ARF-GEF regulator GNOM, are involved in the patterning of plant bodies through the regulation of polar distribution of the plant hormone auxin. We are also interested in clathrin-coated vesicles, which in eukaryotes play key roles in endocytosis. Our research reveals unique aspects of the formation mechanism of clathrin-coated vesicles in plants and focuses also on their less well understood roles at the trans-Golgi Network.



Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology

Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG&MUG
Abrahama 58, 80-307 Gdańsk, Poland

Phone: +48 585236341


Group leader: dr eng. Maciej (Maciek) Adamowski [link]
phone: +48 58 523 6341 [e-mail], room 302

We are currently recruiting PhD students and a technical research assistant.
We also invite inquiries from candidates for Master’s theses and postdocs:



Project Title Principal Investigator Funding Source Amount Implemented in the years
Molecular mechanism and evolution of GNOM function in plant development Maciej Adamowski NCN - SONATA BIS 14 4 931 528 zł 2025-2030



  1. Adamowski Maciek, Randuch Marek, Matijević Ivana, Narasimhan Madhumitha, Friml Jiří. SH3Ps recruit auxilin-like vesicle uncoating factors for clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Cell Reports 2024, 43:114195 (doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114195)
  2. Adamowski Maciek, Matijević Ivana, Friml Jiří. Developmental patterning function of GNOM ARF-GEF mediated from the cell periphery. eLife 2024, 13:e68993 (doi: 10.7554/elife.68993)
  3. Li Lanxin, Chen Huihuang, Alotaibi Saqer S., Pěnčík Aleš, Adamowski Maciek, Novák Ondřej, Friml Jiří. RALF1 peptide triggers biphasic root growth inhibition upstream of auxin biosynthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2022, 119(31):e2121058119 (doi: 10.1073/pnas.2121058119)
  4. Han Huibin, Adamowski Maciek, Qi Linlin, Alotaibi Saqer S., Friml Jiří. PIN-mediated polar auxin transport regulations in plant tropic responses. New Phytologist 2021, 232:510–522 (doi: 10.1111/nph.17617)
  5. Narasimhan Madhumitha, Gallei Michelle, Tan Shutang, Johnson Alexander, Verstraeten Inge, Li Lanxin, Rodriguez Lesia, Han Huibin, Himshoot Elllie, Wang Ren, Vanneste Steffen, Sánchez-Simarro Judit, Aniento Fernando, Adamowski Maciek, Friml Jiří. Systematic analysis of specific and nonspecific auxin effects on endocytosis and trafficking. Plant Physiology 2021, 186(2):1122-1142 (doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiab134)
  6. Zhang Xixi, Adamowski Maciek, Marhava Petra, Tan Shutang, Zhang Yuzhou, Rodriguez Lesia, Zwiewka Marta, Pukyšová Vendula, Sans Sánchez Adrià, Raxwal Vivek Kumar, Hardtke Christian S., Nodzyński Tomasz, Friml Jiří. Arabidopsis Flippases Cooperate with ARF GTPase Exchange Factors to Regulate the Trafficking and Polarity of PIN Auxin Transporters. The Plant Cell 2020, 32(5):1644-1664 (doi: 10.1105/tpc.19.00869)
  7. Adamowski Maciek, Narasimhan Madhumitha, Kania Urszula, Glanc Matouš, De Jaeger Geert, Friml Jiří. A Functional Study of AUXILIN-LIKE1 and 2, Two Putative Clathrin Uncoating Factors in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell 2018, 30(3):700-716 (doi: 10.1105/tpc.17.00785)
  8. Ortiz-Morea Fausto Andres, Savatin Daniel V., Dejonghe Wim, Kumar Rahul, Luo Yu, Adamowski Maciek, Van den Begin Jos, Dressano Keini, Pereira de Oliveira Guilherme, Zhao Xiuyang, Lu Qing, Madder Annemieke, Friml Jiří, Scherer de Moura Daniel, Russinova Eugenia. Danger-associated peptide signaling in Arabidopsis requires clathrin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2016, 113(39):11028-11033 (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1605588113)
  9. Adamowski Maciek, Friml Jiří. PIN-Dependent Auxin Transport: Action, Regulation, and Evolution. The Plant Cell 2015, 27(1):20-32 (doi: 10.1105/tpc.114.134874)
  10. Gadeyne Astrid, Sánchez-Rodríguez Clara, Vanneste Steffen, Di Rubbo Simone, Zauber Henrik, Vanneste Kevin, Van Leene Jelle, De Winne Nancy, Eeckhout Dominique, Persiau Geert, Van De Slijke Eveline, Cannoot Bernard, Vercruysse Leen, Mayers Jonathan R., Adamowski Maciek, Kania Urszula, Ehrlich Matthias, Schweighofer Alois, Ketelaar Tijs, Maere Steven, Bednarek Sebastian Y., Friml Jiří, Gevaert Kris, Witters Erwin, Russinova Eugenia, Persson Staffan, De Jaeger Geert, Van Damme Daniël. The TPLATE Adaptor Complex Drives Clathrin-Mediated Endocytosis in Plants. Cell 2014, 156(4):691-704 (doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.01.039)
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Submitted on Tuesday, 4. March 2025 - 08:09 by Maria Maja Pega Changed on Tuesday, 4. March 2025 - 09:30 by Maria Maja Pega