STARBIOS 2 – first H2020 project for IFB UG&MUG
We are proud to announce that our project STARBIOS 2 Structural Transformation to Attain Responsible BIOSciences submitted to the programme Horizon 2020 has been positively evaluated and is currently in contract preparation phase.
Within STARBIOS 2, the University of Gdańsk together with 11 partners from Europe, USA and Brazil will work on the concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) in biosciences.
The idea of the project is to develop and implement in selected research institutions individual action plans allowing structural changes related to responsible research and innovation. The action plan of the University of Gdańsk, including pilot actions for the Intercollegiate Faculty of UG & MUG, covers:
- Dissemination of knowledge on RRI
- Support of women’s career development
- RRI pilot course for students and RRI Biotechnology Summer School
- Development of procedures for Open Access publishing and bioethics issues
- Development of responsible technology transfer through support of UG TTO
STARBIOS 2 will be led at UG by Prof. Krzysztof Bielawski (IFB UG & MUG) and the inter-faculty project team includes Prof. Igor Konieczny (Dean of IFB UG&MUG) and Prof. Jerzy Gwizdała (UG Chancellor, Faculty of Management Studies).
In STARBIOS 2 the University of Gdańsk will work in cooperation with:
- Universita degli Studi di Roma Torvergata (Italy) - coordinator
- Laboratori di Scienza della Cittadinanza – LCS (Italy)
- The University of Oxford, Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (UK)
- Univerza na Primorskem Universita del Litorale (Slovenia)
- Agrobioinstitute (Bułgaria)
- International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Italy)
- Aarhus Universitet (Denmark)
- Universitaet Bremen (Germany)
- Sparks & Co (France)
- University System of Maryland (USA)
- Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz (Brazil)
Contact: Izabela Raszczyk