BlueBiotechnology ALLIANCE project meeting in Gothenburg


On 3-5 April 2017 in Gothenburg (Sweden), the fourth ALLIANCE (INTERREG BSR) Partner Meeting took place. The project brings together blue biotechnology actors from across the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) to develop innovative marine biotechnology based products and services. The event was hosted by one of the ALLIANCE project partners – the University of Gothenburg.

The first day of the meeting was exclusively for the representatives of partner institutions who discussed the project's current activities and identified plans for the near future. The ALLIANCE network had already covered mentorship for 16 selected blue biotechnology initiatives, UG is contributing as a mentor of two cases chosen in previous calls for ideas. Within the ALLIANCE project there are also plans to create an international blue biotechnology service offer database to support the development of science and business in the sector.

Second day was devoted to presentation of new case ideas submitted to the third ALLIANCE Call for Ideas. Each speaker had 7 minutes to present their ideas, innovation and cooperation needs. They also had to face the questions posed by specialists from the expert panel. This time six ideas were presented, four of which were chosen to become new ALLIANCE mentees. We are pleased to announce that one of the selected cases is the idea presented by Marek Klin, a PhD student from the Department of Marine Ecosystems Operations at the Institute of Oceanography (UG), entitled “Biogas production using biomass derived from Baltic microalgae”. The case is now covered by the mentoring of the ALLIANCE Blue Biotechnology consortium with the assigned mentors: the University of Gdańsk and the DTI (Danish Technological Institute).

On the last day, the participants experienced a special attraction. They took part in excursion to Tjärnö marine station and in a cruise with the university’s research vessel to visit the Saccharina cultivation site.

Next call for ideas will start in Autumn this year! You are welcome to submit your application! (contact:


The ALLIANCE project, funded from the INTERREG BSR Programme, started in March 2016. The project will integrate partners from the Baltic Sea Region who are interested in blue biotechnology. At the University of Gdańsk the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG & MUG, BRC Gdańsk and the Technology Transfer Office are implemented in the project.

Dr. Katarzyna Palińska prof. UG: ( is a project leader at UG.

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Submitted on Thursday, 27. April 2017 - 08:08 by Maria Maja Pega Changed on Thursday, 27. April 2017 - 08:08 by Maria Maja Pega